Participates in the Hackathon aimed at stimulating the creation of innovative solutions, enabled by 5G and emerging technologies, promoted within the Italian plan for the deployment of Broadband as part of the Project "CTE COBO- House of Emerging Technologies of the Municipality of Bologna," funded by the Ministry for Enterprise andMade in Italy (MIMIT) with FSC 2014-2020 funds. Participate in international working tables!
Participation in the "Industry Challengers" Hackathon promoted as part of the "CTE COBO- House of Emerging Technologies of the City of Bologna" Project is for individual applicants and groups of people (from 4-6) interested in proposing innovative solutions using 5G and at least one of the emerging technologies with the ambitious goal of making companies and production processes safer, more efficient, and more accessible for all and everyone.
Age requirement for each participant: 18 years or older.
It will be possible to apply by April 22, 2024 18:00 noon as an individual or as a pre-established group.
The Hackathon will take place on May 9 and 10, 2024 at CTE COBO- Bi-Rex Big Data Innovation & Research Excellence, via Paolo Nanni Costa 20, Bologna
To participate in the Industry Challengers Hackathon please see the Notice of Application along with the following attachments: